11th anniversary of the Syrian revolution

11th anniversary of the Syrian revolution

The greatest dictator in the Middle East, Bashar al-Assad, received financial and military support from the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Through their support, he was able to displace 6.5 million people from their homeland and kill more than 500,000 people.
Syrian activists around the world held activities and demonstrations on the eleventh anniversary of the Syrian revolution. Which carried the slogan (Freedom, Justice, Equality).
This year they add a new slogan (We support Ukraine).


CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT CESD is a nonpartisan, 501(c)(3), international human rights organization based in New York. We share a commitment to social justice, human rights, and peace between all nations. Our efforts contribute to the mission of creating a new culture in the MENA region which is mainly based on the values of citizenship, peace, and coexistence.

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